Dear Poppy,
It has been awhile since my last letter to you and you have already grown up so much.
You are now 22 months old and are as smart as a whip.
You are constantly amazing me with the funny things you say.
For example:
"Get it."
You say this when you pick your nose and want me to wipe off the boogers.
I am thankful you arent smearing it all over my walls or putting it in your mouth.
I am HAPPY to 'get it' for you.
"Kiss it."
When you get a boo boo you immediately come running for me to kiss it better.
I also love it when you you kiss my boo boo's better too.
"Let it go."
Yes, even you have not escaped the craze of this song. You are constantly asking me to play it for you and when you sing along it just melts my heart. This song and movie are seriously old news but you are so cute when you sing it that I will keep playing it for you as long as you keep asking.
You have a fascination with the IPad and our IPhones and Siri is definitely someone you enjoy talking to. Even though she never knows what you are saying.
"What's dat?"
Curious little one you are. Always asking what things are.
"Lipstick" -&- "I wanna drive"
I promise you that I am not lying when I say you asked to wear RED lipstick and to drive the car all within the same hour. My little toddler turned teenager already.
You know almost all your animals and colors.
You know a lot of shapes and you absolutely adore babies.
Every time you see a baby car seat or stroller, you have to go peek.
You are going to be such a sweet big sister.
I cannot wait for you to have a best friend in July August.
We are working on potty training right now and let's be honest,
It's not going well.
And I am probably to blame.
Your little sister is sucking up a lot of my energy and to potty train take a serious amount of energy.
You'll get it. I know you can do it.
Hopefully sooner than later.
Poppy, you are my whole life.
You light up my world and I am so thankful to be your mama.
You make me so happy and your little spirit is so beautiful.
I love you so much and I know your daddy does too.
Thank you for making our life amazing.
Love you to the moon and back!
Your Mumsy
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