Monday, August 5, 2013

Summer Fun-Update

^^ Des Moines has a fabulous farmers market downtown every Saturday. We love talking Pais there to see all the dogs, eat yummy food and hear all the live music. It's a blast!^^

^^Happy Independence Day! We had just gotten home from Utah and moved into our new town home when this little dumplin got super sick. This was a few days later and we thought she was doing better, but you can tell from these pictures that she wasnt through with it yet! Poor baby. 

^^My dear friend Mak and her little family came and visited awhile ago. These two littles were the cutest! Poppy just loves babies!^^

^^Little cowboy cousins!^^

^^We are a licorice kind of family^^

 ^^Dont mind me... just eating rocks. My cousin taught me.^^

^^Gavin's family often does horse shows and they do soooo well! The kids are great!

More to come!

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