Last year, Gavin wasnt able to make it. This year, Scott was also new to our family and our youngest recruit is little Olivia!
Fun year for our rookies!
Gavin and I had our costumes planned for approximately 6 months! It was super fun and we even got to have a professional photographer to come take pictures.
Check it out!
Here are some of my pictures from the extravaganza!
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie made it in time for the party... They even brought their kids!
Our crafty skeletons!
Costume winners! Brad and Angie won "Most Head Turning!"
Tay was Professor Snape
Dylan won for being Professor Umbridge... See below pics to see his awesome costume
Ug a wug!
Aragorn and Arwen and the Native from Pirate of the Caribbean?
There you go Brad... kiss her... Wait, who is that behind you? CUT! Reshoot!
Werewolf... there wolf.
Barbie girl
Pumpkin Patch
Bless you sister
Baby Harry, Bellatrix and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.... RUN!!! I mean CRAWL Harry!!!
Maybe Harry should run from them as well....
Definitely DONT run to Professor Umbridge
Aragorn will save Harry.
The famous gang
Moaning Myrtle and Hagrid!
Livie Lady (aka Harry... haha she got two costumes!)
Must be a full moon
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