Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Blogger Hiatus

Bonjor, guten tag and greetings my friends. No, I did not drop off the face of the planet. I have just been enjoying my family and the holidays and boy has it been grand. Where do I even begin? This holiday has been an adventure. I'll go in reverse shall I?
New Years was spent at my brother-in-laws family cabin in Fairview, Utah. It was gorgeous. Fresh fallen snow, snow mobilin, yummy food, fun games and awesome company. Paisley made her first snow mobile trip up the canyon and while I thought we'd all die from the cold and treacherous roads, she was snoozin away even though it was a bumpy ride. What a trooper.
Rewind before that, we spend Christmas Eve and morning with my family and zoomed off to Spanish Fork to be with the Gardner Clan.
Can I just tell you how magical and fun it is now that we have a baby? I loved watching Pais get excited seeing the gift wrapped presents-even though she didnt care what was inside, she just loved ripping the paper.
We had a fantastic Christmas Eve dinner and all went to bed early. We woke up and exchanged gifts then made a delicious breakfast for all the family coming over.
We visited and laughed and loved on one another then we snuck out to SF. There we exchanged gifts, laughed, all got matching fur hats and then had an awesome Christmas dinner. We put Paisley to bed early and we all watched Pitch Perfect and laughed all night as we quoted "Fat Amy" lines.
We also attended the wedding of Gavin's cousin, Gentry and his new wife, Erin. It was a gorgeous wedding and I am so glad I got to help out with it. Welcome to the family Erin!
Now that the new year is past, things are slowing down a bit and now we can sit back and relax a bit.
As one of my Christmas gifts, I get to get some Princess dresses made for my company, Storybook Adventures. I am so excited. It's going to be so epic. Right now, I have Rapunzel, Merida, Tinkerbelle, Cinderella, Aurora (forest dress) and Ariel (kiss the girl dress) all in the works. You guys, I cant even express to you how ecstatic I am about this. My dream is finally becoming a reality. I dont have a computer with me, so I will have to use my mom's so I can post pics I've taken but since its not so hectic, I promise I will be more present in the blogosphere. Thanks for still following and keeping up with My Happy Thought while I've been MIA. Love ya'll!

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