Thursday, June 14, 2012

Birth Story of Paisley Jane

As most of you know, Miss Paisley was due May 27, but she took her sweet time getting here. 
On Wednesday night, the doc said to come into the hospital to get prepped so I could be induced in the morning on Thursday. As Gavin and I were driving into the hospital parking lot, I started feeling contractions.
After the nurse got me settled and hooked up to the monitor, she noticed that my contractions were already a minute apart. She stepped out to make a call to my doc. Gavin and I waited patiently until she returned. She informed us that we wouldnt be going home that night and we'd be having a baby instead.
Holy cow!
This baby definitely does things on her own terms!
We were thrilled.
Gavin stepped out to call our family and ask if someone could stop by our house to grab our bags.
Luckily my contractions werent too bad at first. 
Gavin and I were able to laugh and talk and enjoy our time in the middle of this adventure.
This was it!
We were finally going to meet our Little Lady!
After some time, the doc shows up to break my water. 
Um, is it supposed to be green?!
Well the answer is no. 
The baby had had a bowel movement. The doc said everything would be fine, but I wouldnt be able to hold her immediately after the birth because they'd need to get her on oxygen right away because it could cause pneumonia. 
I was a bit sad about that, but I'd rather she be ok.
The contractions started coming stronger, and I was ready for my epidural. 
I was too scared to look at the needle. 
Then the family showed up.
I was feeling much better and they were keeping my spirits up. 
Everyone was so excited.
At this point I was still feeling pain from the contractions, so the anesthesiologist came back and gave me a little more meds to kill the pain.
I was feelin good then!
My legs were completely numb and the nurse came in to check me and moved my leg for me. 
Um, weirdest feeling ever! I could see my leg move, but I couldnt feel a thing.
Now we were movin. The nurse said she expected me to be able to start pushing in another hour!
Things were going so quick.We had only been there for a few hours. 
We were going to be parents!
Well the rest is history. I ended up only needing to push for half an hour. 
Gavin was such an amazing coach. 
He was so supportive, I couldnt have done it without him.
She came out and they whisked her away to get taken care of.
I was amazed how much hair she had! I thought we'd have a bald baby until she turned three!
It was 1:46 and I was tired, but I couldnt sleep until I saw and held my little girl.
Gavin followed her into the nursery and didnt leave her side. 
It was so sweet.
As I waited in the delivery room, the epidural started wearing off and I was shaking like a leaf. I had my sister distract me by watching movie trailers. 
Finally they brought my little bundle to me. 
She was (and still is!) such a little angel.
The next few days at the hospital were heaven.
We loved getting to know Paisley and spending time together just the two of us.
We also loved all the visitors that came and supported us.
We couldn't be more thrilled to have her in our lives!

***EDIT*** For safety reasons, she will now be referred to as, Poppy. 


  1. She is so beautiful! Congratulations! Those pictures are absolutely precious.

  2. Congratulations! These pictures are so beautiful!

  3. she is precious!!! so so so so sooooo happy for you!!! :)


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