Saturday, June 30, 2012

Letters to My Daughter

Dear Paisley Girl,
You have been with us for one whole month now and we couldnt be more thrilled. You have brought us so much joy and happiness. I would like to start this letter telling you how much I adore you. My whole life is about finding adventures and you have been the greatest adventure of them all. I want you to read these letters when you are older and never doubt our undying love for you. You are a princess, Paisley. A princess. Never let anyone tell you differently. You are a daughter of a Heavenly King. You are a beloved daughter, a sweet grand baby, a loving niece, a fun cousin and a devoted friend. So many people love you. So many people are here for you. You are beautiful in every way shape and form; on the inside and out. 
You will do amazing things. I cannot wait to see what new adventures are in store for us. You give me wings, Paisley. You are my Happy Thought. 
                                                                           Love Always and Forever,
                                                                                                   Your Mama.



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