Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I want to be a mom who...

*holds her child's hand instead of hauling them around on a leash.
*has sticky floors, dirty ovens, laundry piles and happy kids.
*isn't afraid to ask for help.
*writes everything down and takes TONS of pictures. 
*plays in the rain.
*isn't afraid of getting dirty.
*allows her husband to get the kids ready in the morning and enjoys their ragamuffin-ness.
*makes sure her kids are polite and respectful of adults.

*teaches her kids to serve others.
*loves their daddy more than anything.
*builds forts in the living room where we have family slumber parties and movie nights.
*supports their belief in magic
*takes her children to Disneyland and embarassing them because she is more excited than them.
*looks good. {I know, sounds vain. But I want them to know the importance of looking and feeling healthy and strong}

*makes yummy sack lunches.
*laughs at silly jokes
*helps them gain a testimony.
*makes goodies with them and helps them put on a lemonade stand/bake sale.  

What an adventure!!!


  1. Love this! You're going to make a great mom!

  2. i think this is sweet :) and I don't think it's vain to want to look good either because you want your outward appearance to reflect how you feel on the inside. You want to be clean and put together. Being sloppy and unkempt is just not good. haha :)


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