Thursday, March 1, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

1. Walking out of my hospital visit with this container...

Oh? You want an explanation? Alright...
I am participating in a study for first time mothers called numom2be. I have had routine check ups where they draw my blood and take measurements and ultrasounds and stuff.
It's great.
Anyway, I recently went to my last check up (with them) until Little Lady makes her debut.
On my way out they gave me this container and told me to give it to my nurse when I go in to deliver and she will take care of the rest.
Lets just say we got some odd looks walking out of the hospital with a large container labeled "PLACENTA"
My face was a tad red.

1. Finally getting a good nights sleep last night! AH! HEAVENLY! I even took a nap a few hours before and it didn't alter my night times rest at all. Hallelujah.
2. I was at work and was glittering up some paper (I have a cool job) and my hand was prop up on my belly so it would be steady. Little Lady decided to kick me real hard. So hard in fact, that she bumped my hand so I messed up my project. She is pretty mellow and doesnt move much during the day so this made me smile.
Then she did TWO more times! Same spot too so I ended up ruining 3 different projects. She likes to tease me... just like her papa.
3. Gavin's hiccups. Yesterday, they were constant all day and he sounds really funny.
4. Scaring Gavin. I got him good. :) I was just trying to get rid of his hiccups. I am a good wife.
5. Working on a project with Gavin last night. It was super fun and he is really creative.
6. Gavin making jokes and me laughing uncontrollably. . . and obnoxiously.


  1. Oh my heck! Lol how funny! Ive heard of this study before! We have been trying to get pregnant since we've been married and my Dr suggested it to us. Do you like it? Or is it just too weird? I think its hilarious that they had you carry a container our labeled "placenta". :) Little embarassing, but it made me laugh. Especially the look on your face.

  2. haha that would be super awkward walking around with that container!
    glitter at work? now that is cool!


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